How to Conduct Virtual Interviews: a Complete Guide for Executives

Today’s environment has created a game-changing challenge to companies large and small within the Furniture industry. The rapid onset of social distancing and store closings has created the need to effectively communicate remotely. Forward thinking companies of all sizes have realized that there was a need to communicate with employees and also to interview key hires.

3 ways to effectively use video platforms to communicate during the shutdown:

Remote Team Communication Platform – Daily touch bases for those that are working supporting vital functions and handling customer facing or supply chain issues.

Employee Communication Platform - Many experts have recommended weekly or bi-weekly touch bases just to keep everyone informed and up to date.  It also provides a platform to answer questions and keep rumors from circulating. Involve HR on the call along with key Executives of the company.  This is a great way to show you care. 

Virtual interviewing - Companies were abruptly shut down and many were in the middle of conducting hiring to fill key roles including time sensitive positions. 

There are abundant options in the mix when searching for a platform. Here are just a few of the popular options; Zoom Video, Go To Meeting, Web Ex, JOIN ME, RingCentral Meetings, Microsoft Teams etc… and the list goes on.  I like to stay with a month to month service that allows at a minimum 100 attendees. Keep in mind - you don’t have to have people sharing their cameras, this can be setup to be like a webinar with questions via chat or having a moderator assist and unmute microphones for a more personal experience.  

Today my primary goal is to provide information on how to use these platforms to conduct remote interviewing.  

Quick Tips for Conducting Your Remote Interview 

Tip #1 

Do a trial run a day or two before you interview. Set up and test the camera and sound you will use for the actual interview. Make your surroundings clean and neat.

Tip #2 

The focus is on eye-contact with the candidate. Look at the camera with lean-forward body language and engage.

Tip #3 

You know the drill, behavioral based questions, careful listening, smart follow-up questions, and strategic use of silence to encourage candidate engagement.

So those are some of the quick tips, here is a list of other items that can impact the outcome of a Video Interview.  

Video Conferencing Interview Basics

Interviews conducted via video conferencing require a unique type of preparation in order for success. Consider and apply the points below. These apply to both the applicant and the hiring authority since many of these are being completed from remote offices or home offices during this period. 


  • Dress professionally – from head to toes.  You may have to move in front of the camera

  • Avoid clothing with patterns - solids work best


  • Turn off radio/TV /cell phone, etc.  Even white noise from fans, zen-like waterfalls, loud air conditioners, space heaters, dehumidifiers etc. can be distracting

  • Put pets away, close the door, and make sure roommates, family members etc. are aware of the importance of a quiet environment

  •  Consider putting a note on the door to prevent delivery people or visitors from ringing the doorbell which may trigger pet noise or background sounds

  •  If possible, set up your computer in a room in which you’re least likely to hear outdoor noise – from trucks, children, etc.

  • Create a neutral background/wall with minimal visual distractions.  Keep pictures/equipment to a minimum.

  • Preview your appearance and background on screen before connecting with the conference call  - you should be the focus of the video – not the scenery behind you.

  •  Create optimal lighting. Turn on lights in the room and/or close window blinds to avoid harsh glares and shadows on your face.

  • Do not eat, drink or chew gum.  If you must take a sip of liquid, drink water – not carbonated beverages.  Verbally pardon your pause, sip, then put the drink safely aside


  • Test your microphone sound level and video well in advance of the actual meeting, then again 15 minutes before the call

  • Adjust the focus of the camera.   Most cameras have the capability to fine tune the crispness of the video.  It's best to have a friend “connect” with you via webcam to tell you how you appear as you adjust the settings

  • Close ALL other programs not necessary for the call – email, instant messaging, office products such as Word or Excel, and close internet browser windows.  Not only are these a potential distraction, but they could also affect your connection quality.

  • If possible, hardwire your computer vs. using wireless.  If you do use wireless, try to be as close to your router as possible for the strongest connectivity.

  • Sometimes firewalls can impact your connection/speed.   It may be helpful to temporarily disconnect from VPN or firewalls for the call

  •  Look at the camera, not at the screen when you are talking.  You would never look at yourself in a mirror if you were interviewing in person – so think of the camera as the interviewer’s eyes and look into it/them

  • Adjust your chair so the camera is at eye level – don’t look down at the camera

  • If you wear glasses, ensure you are not picking up glare; remove the glasses or wear contacts if either are feasible options


  •  Be careful with too much movement -  heavy movement further accentuates video choppiness.   If you communicate with heavy gestures - be careful! Clasp your hands in your lap or hold on to a piece of paper. Keep it under control.

  • For either party including the candidate or client, walking with a mobile device and conducting a video call is extremely distracting and some would say annoying.  If you have to move, pause and take a short break, either party will understand if there is a potential disruption or distraction that needs to be addressed.


  • Login 10-15 minutes before the call in case you have technical problems and/or to ensure you are ready when the interviewer begins.  Go to Meeting and Zoom both offer test links.

  •  PRACTICE!   If you are a candidate - find someone that will practice with you using the same video technology you will be using during the interview, if possible.  That person should point out background & environmental distractions, and give you honest feedback on your appearance including: where you are positioned on the screen, annoying movements, sound levels, etc.

  •  Consider recording yourself on a site such as so you can see yourself and make adjustments. 

  • Be prepared for the types of questions you are likely to be asked, again this holds true for the Client as well as the candidate. 

  •  At the conclusion of a call, be sure the call is fully disconnected before you ‘relax.’  You’re still on camera until the session truly ends

Recently our team has been giving our clients the ability for us to to allow us to host a virtual interview for them during this shutdown. We provide the Virtual host platform so that the client and the candidate can connect using Zoom, our web based interview and meeting platform.  


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